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Jesus is my Best Friends

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Jesus is my best of friends,
None like Him �mongst mortals born;
And shall I whom He defends,
Join the world, His goodness scorn?
Naught shall raise a parting line
To hold me from His tend�rest love;
One shall be His will and mine
Lifelong here, for aye above.

Once He suffered death for me;
In that death He conquered sin,
Him redeeming still I see;
Wondrous strength from Him I win.
Who could sullen, sit complaining,
Knowing Christ has sealed his bliss?
Who, the ransom gift disdaining,
E�er could fly such love as His?

In that well proved love I bide;
Naught from Him this heart shall sever.
Angel glory, mortal pride,
Wealth or want shall part us never.
Depth below nor heights above,
E�er shall hold my soul enticed,
Luring from a Father�s love
Mine henceforth in Jesus Christ.


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