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O let the heart beat with bliss

O let the heart beat high with bliss,
Yea, let it triumph at the sound
Of Jesu�s Name, so sweet it is,
For every joy therein is found.

The Name that comforteth in woe,
The Name of Jesus healing sin,
The Name that curbs the powers below
And drives away the death within:

The Name that soundeth ever sweet
In speech or verse or holy song,
And bids us run with willing feet
Consoled, and comforted, and strong.

Then let the Name of Jesus ring
With lofty praise in every place;
Let heart and voice together sing�
That Name shall every ill efface.

Ah! Jesu, health of sinful men,
Give ear unto our loving prayer;
Guide Thou our wandering feet again,
And hold our doings in Thy care.

Lord, may Thy Name supply our needs,
And keep us from all danger free,
And make us perfect in good deeds,
That we may lose our sins by Thee.

To Thee, O Christ, all glory be
Who shinest with this holy Name;
We worship Thy divinity,
Jesu, Thou Lord of gentle fame.

O Jesu, of a virgin born,
Immortal honor be to Thee;
Praise to the Father infinite,
And Holy Ghost eternally.



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