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How welcome was the call

How welcome was the call,
And sweet the festal lay,
When Jesus deigned in Cana�s hall
To bless the marriage day!

And happy was the bride,
And glad the bridegroom�s heart,
For He Who tarried at their side
Bade grief and ill depart.

His gracious power divine
The water vessels knew;
And plenteous was the mystic wine
The wondering servants drew.

O Lord of life and love,
Come Thou again today;
And bring a blessing from above
That ne�er shall pass away.

O bless, as erst of old,
The bridegroom and the bride;
Bless with the holier stream that flowed
Forth from Thy pierc�d side.

Before Thine altar throne
This mercy we implore;
As Thou dost knit them, Lord, in one,
So bless them evermore.


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