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Blood of His Covenant

Blood of His Covenant,
Sprinkles down upon us,
Cleanses our filthiness; washes from sin!
Pour down upon our hearts! Flood over our rescued souls!
Seal our great acquittal from all guilt within!

Gone are my stains of guilt;
Gone my deep pollution;
Gone, gone to Calvary; lost in His grave!
There lies my wickedness, forever buried!
Spotless, I adore Him, for all that He gave!

Closed is the great abyss!
Silent, my accuser!
Only Christ�s righteousness speaks now for me.
I feel His nail-scarred hand, tenderly washing all!
Loved in the Beloved, O how can this be?

Worship the mystery!
Fall in mute amazement!
Murmur astonished praise there at His feet!
Now breaks my heart of stone; now comes His Spirit;
Now my heart of flesh is quickened to beat.


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