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Maybe I wont look back

I woke up from dreaming
I returned a call from a friend of mine,
she sounded really lonely
But I had somewhere to be
I said I'll call you later
'Cause I really need to go, I can't be late,
she'll be okay, this is important
Then I forgot completely

You can be who you choose to be
But whether you do, or whether you don't
Depends on your priority
And I know that it's not easy
(Lord help me to choose wisely) - second time only

I'm looking for the peace to find some sleep tonight
'Cause I'm
Not very proud of the way I have lived today
But if I choose to
Follow Him along the way
Then maybe I won't look back
Feel like time is gonna pass me by
Then maybe I won't look back

Bridge 2:
On those days I could of said something
In those times when help was needed I was busy
I was within the words to see the moment is good
In some way I could have been something
I thought I was done with a simple smile, but I was selfish
But if I change my heart today, tomorrow it may be okay
And maybe I won't look back

I woke up from a nightmare
Where I was talking down this street,
invisible and no one else could see me
All my chances were gone
I can't get your attention
I've had many things to say, but never tried,
afraid you wouldn't listen
Should of done it all differently

Bridge 2

I can't hold back, I can't be shy
This is my big chance to be living the life, I gotta
Stand up strong and take the ride
Throw all those useless excuses aside
So much to do, I got a lot to say
I don't always understand but I'll gonna follow anyway
'Cause there is a bigger plan, a destiny
I can't waste this precious time

Bridge 2

Then maybe I won't look back x2


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