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For Such a Time as this

I built my house here
long side this mountain
This rugged mountain that stands so tall
I've had a good life
Above the lowlands
It's more than I asked for, but less than I dreamed
I've often heard a voice call down to me
If you'd climb higher you'd find wondrous things to see
But the way is steep
And a storm may come...

For such a time as this
Isn't it much to great a risk
I've never flown from the edge of a cliff
Never walked on the water
But if I turned away
How would I know what I have missed
Have I waited all of my life
For such a time as this

I've been content to not ask those questions
That stir the waters and move the waves
The windless waters are so much more peaceful
They calm my spirit in silent song
I've often wondered what's eluding me
The yearning's meant to free me from complacency
But the way is steep
And a storm my come...

For such a time as this
Isn't it much to great a risk
I've never flown from the edge of a cliff
Never walked on the water
But if I turned away
How would I know what I have missed
Have I waited all of my life
For such a time as this


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