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Dreams I dream for you

You tast the tears'
You're lost in sorrow
You see your yesterdaysI
see tomorrow
You see the darkness
I see the light
You know your failures
But I know your heart

The dreams I dream for you
Are deeper than the ones you're clinging to
More precious than the finest thing you knew
And truer than the treasures our pursue

Let the olds dreams die
Like stars that fade from view
Then take the cup I offer
And drink deeply of
The dreams I dream for you
You see your shame
But I see your glory
You've read one page
I know the story
I hold a vision

That you'll become
As you grow into the truth
As you learn to walk in love
Let the old dreams die
Like stars that fade from view
Then take the cup I offer
And drink deeply of
The dreams I dream for you.


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