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Peace is born on earth

I see a stable, cold and bare
A virgin mother, pure and fair
The light of heaven surrounds her there
Peace is born on earth

And in a manger, gently laid
A baby slumbers in the hay
A miracle is wrought this day
Peace is born on earth

I see the shepherds come in haste
To look upon their Savior's face
And wise men seek this holy place
Where peace is born on earth

A new star rises in the heavens
I see the skies with glory riven
Unto us a Son is given
Peace is born on earth

Oh listen to the angel song
That heralds this eternal dawn
And through the years the strains prolong
Peace is born
Peace is born

I wonder now if I would know
Like men of wisdom long ago
The star that first was set aglow
When peace was born on earth

For as I lift my eyes afar
To seek the Bright and Morning Star
The light of heaven fills my heart
And peace is born on earth


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