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God our Refuge

Come now with joy and singing,
Loud hallelujahs ringing,
Our grateful tribute bringing
To our almighty Friend;
Offering with purest pleasure,
To Him the heart�s full treasure,
Whose love no thought can measure,
Whose praise shall never end.

We sing with exultation,
Lord God of our salvation;
Thou art our sure Foundation,
Our Refuge evermore.

When to this Refuge flying,
Turn sinners, helpless, dying,
On Christ alone relying,
No harm can reach them there;
When floods of grief are dashing,
And waves of sorrow splashing,
Light to the soul comes flashing�
God�s smile through dark despair.


In waking or in sleeping,
Bright days, or nights of weeping,
Our souls are in Thy keeping
While here we wait below;
In Thee alone abiding,
And in Thy love confiding,
Safe when Thy hand is guiding,
We�ll ever gladly go.



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