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God Loved the World

God loved the world of sinners lost,
And ruined by the fall;
Salvation full, at highest cost,
He offers free to all.

O �twas love, �twas wondrous love,
The love of God to me;
It brought my Savior from above,
To die on Calvary!

E�en now by faith I claim Him mine,
The risen Son of God;
Redemption by His death I find,
And cleansing through the blood.


Love brings the glorious fullness in,
And to His saints makes known
The bless�d rest from inbred sin,
Through faith in Christ alone.


Believing souls, rejoicing go;
There shall to you be giv�n
A glorious foretaste, here below,
Of endless life in Heav�n.


Of victory now o�er Satan�s power
Let all the ransomed sing,
And triumph in the dying hour
Through Christ, the Lord, our King.



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