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From all the wind's wide quarters

From all the wind's wide quarters,
come, see the feast is spread,
of soul-sustaining waters,
of true and living bread;
of sorrows long-departed,
and joys beyond compare--
come, poor and humble-hearted,
the feast of life to share!

With mercy all-prevailing,
God bids the wanderer come;
in grace and peace unfailing
invites the children home.
With loving-kindness tender,
God frees us from our sins--
in glory and in splendor
the feast of life begins!

Come, claim the promise spoken!
God's purpose stands secure.
The fruitful word unbroken
shall evermore endure.
All ancient bondage ended
to sin's corrupting powers--
forgiven, freed, befriended,
the feast of life is ours!


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