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Father, Who dost Thy children feed

Father, Who dost Thy children feed
With manna rain�d from above;
Who dost the saving chalice give,
Filled by Thy hand in wondrous love:
We praise Thee for Thy mercies sent
To us in this great sacrament.

O Word made flesh, Whom we adore,
The living Bread sent down from Heav�n,
Whose wondrous passion here shown forth
Is the great pledge of sin forgiven;
We praise Thee for Thy mercies sent
To us in this great sacrament.

O Holy Spirit, Who dost reign
These earthly elements to bless,
Making the bread His flesh to be,
The wine His blood, as we confess;
We praise Thee for Thy mercies sent
To us in this great sacrament.

Ye holy angels, who, with us,
Around God�s altar lowly bow,
Adoring there the Crucified,
Whose precious death is pleaded now,
O praise Him for His mercies sent
To us in this great sacrament!

Ye bless�d saints, enthroned on high,
Who once the paths of earth did tread,
Who reached in safety God�s abode,
As strengthened by this living bread;
O praise Him for His mercies sent
To us in this great sacrament!

O Holy Father, Holy Son,
And Holy Spirit, Whom we love,
Guide, strengthen, save us here below,
And bring us to our home above,
To praise Thee for Thy mercies sent
To us in this great sacrament!


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