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Fast sinks the sun to rest

Fast sinks the sun to rest,
Fast fall the shades of night;
Fain would the weary heart
Keep love's frail flame alight,
End the day that fading dies
With an offering of sacrifice.

E'en as the Crucified,
Calm in the hour of death,
Into his Father's hands
Yielded his latest breath,
So my spirit would repose
Safe in God's mighty keeping close.

Meekly beneath his hand
Lieth my helplessness,
Thinking and caring naught
Save what he purposes,
And in utter calm abides,
Dead to self and all besides.

Be it not I who live
But God who lives in me,
Reigning and triumphing
In love's sweet majesty;
May he mine forever be,
God who One is in Trinity.


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