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Bless me, O my Savior

Bless me, O my Savior, bless me,
kneeling at thy throne of grace;
here I sought thee, here I find thee,
in thine ark and resting-place.

Blessed Savior, thou who gavest
full redemption by thy blood,
wash me from foul offenses,
cleanse me, O thou Son of God!

Breathe upon me, Gracious Spirit,
benediction full and strong,
keep my feet in safety's pathway,
keep my soul from sin and wrong.

Sacred Trinity of Power,
Mystic Unity above,
sanctify this evening hour
with thine endless, boundless love.

Throned in glory, veiled in splendor,
praised by all the heavenly host,
hear our holy, holy, holy,
Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


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