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Believers own they are but blind

Believers own they are but blind;
They know themselves unwise;
But wisdom in the Lord they find,
Who opens all their eyes.

Unrighteous are they all, when tried;
But God himself declares
In Jesus they are justified;
His righteousness is theirs.

[That we're unholy needs no proof;
We sorely feel the fall;
But Christ has holiness enough
To sanctify us all.]

Exposed by sin to God's just wrath,
We look to Christ and view
Redemption in his blood by faith,
And full redemption too.

Some this, some that good virtue teach,
To rectify the soul;
But we first after Jesus reach,
And richly grasp the whole.

To Jesus joined, we all that's good
>From Him, our Head, derive.
We eat his flesh and drink his blood,
And by and in him live.



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