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Beautiful Sabbath

Beautiful Sabbath, how peaceful the light,
Wafted from Eden so tranquil and bright;
Drawing us nearer to Jesus our King,
While in His temple we gather and sing.

Beautiful Sabbath of rest, sweet rest,
Beautiful Sabbath, divinely blest,
Youthful and happy the hearts we bring,
Praising our gracious Redeemer and King.

Beautiful Sabbath, we hallow the hours,
Silently bearing the odor of flowers;
Planted in gardens that never decay,
Blooming in sunshine that fades not away.


Beautiful Sabbath, when Jesus our Lord
Bids us devoutly remember His Word;
Opens its treasures of wisdom so dear,
Treasures that sparkle our young hearts to cheer.


Beautiful Sabbath, when labor and care
Yield to the rapture of song and of prayer;
Precious the moments that now from above,
Tenderly whisper a message of love.



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