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Long my restless soul had sought
Refuge from the troubled sea;
Struggling vainly till I thought
There was no repose for me;
Jesus whispered �mid the storm,
�Trust Mine everlasting arm.�

As my spirit, terror-filled,
Breasted storm and tide alone,
Jesus came�the tempest stilled,
Hushed its loud and angry moan;
Standing on the restless wave,
Reached His hand my soul to save.

Jesus, Master of the sea,
Never let my vessel strand;
Keep me sheltered in the lee,
In the hollow of Thy hand,
Free from storm and tempest shock,
Anchored deeply in the rock.

Safely by the rock-bound coast,
And the treach�rous breakers past,
Guide me, lest my way be lost,
Into heaven�s port at last;
Stormy seas no more I�ll sail�
Safe at last within the veil.



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