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Rise, Arise!

Rise, arise! Rise, arise!
Zion, rise to greet thy King!
Open wide the gates before Him!
Let the glad hosannas ring!
Haste to worship and adore Him!
Hark, the watchman on the mountain cries:
�Rise, arise! Rise, arise!�

Weep no more! Weep no more!
Zion, dry thy bitter tears!
Cast away all gloom and sadness,
For the Shiloh now appears,
Who shall turn thy grief to gladness!
Day has dawned! Arise! the night is o�er!
Weep no more! Weep no more!

O rejoice! O rejoice!
Christ doth come, as long foretold!
The Messiah long expected,
The incarnate Word behold!
Though by kings of earth rejected,
Hail Him Lord of all with mighty voice!
O rejoice! O rejoice!

Crown Him King! Crown Him King!
His exalted Name confess!
From His heavenly throne descending,
Jesus, Lord of righteousness,
Bringeth joy and peace unending!
O let heart and tongue His praises sing!
Crown Him King! Crown Him King!

Worship Him! Worship Him!
Worship at His sacred feet!
Hail the Son of God thy Savior!
Haste, thy longed for Bridegroom greet!
Come, receive His kingly favor!
Zion, haste thy lamp of faith to trim!
Worship Him! Worship Him!


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