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On Heavenly Heights

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  1. On heav�nly heights an Angel stands;
    He takes our prayer in heav�nly hands,
    And with celestial incense rare,
    He mingles every heart-felt prayer
    Of those who trust His precious blood
    To reconcile their souls to God.
  2. Then from that glorious, heav�nly place
    Descend the lightnings of His grace;
    To heal, to strengthen and provide,
    For those who trust in Him who died.
    �Who died,� I say?�Yea, He who rose
    Triumphant, Conqu�ror of His foes.
  3. Who is this priestly Angel bright,
    Who thus dispels our darkest night?
    �Tis He who set the captive free,
    Jesus who died on Calv�ry�s tree;
    Who is, who was, and is to come�
    The glory of His Father�s Home!


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