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O Praise Our Great and Gracious Lord

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O praise our great and gracious Lord,
And call upon His Name;
To strains of joy tune every chord,
His mighty acts proclaim;
Tell how He led His chosen race
To Canaan�s promised land;
Tell how His covenant of grace
Unchanged shall ever stand.

He gave the shadowing cloud by day,
The moving fire by night;
To guide His Israel on their way,
He made their darkness light;
And have we not a sure retreat,
A Savior ever nigh,
The same clear light to guide our feet,
The Dayspring from on high?

We, too, have manna from above,
The Bread that came from Heav�n;
To us the same kind hand of love
Hath living waters giv�n;
A Rock have we, from whence the spring
In rich abundance flows;
The Rock is Christ, our Priest, our King,
Who life and health bestows.

O may we praise this bless�d Food,
And trust our heavenly Guide;
So shall we find death�s fearful flood
Serene as Jordan�s tide,
And safely reach that happy shore,
The land of peace and rest,
Where angels worship and adore
In God�s own presence blest.


O Lyrics - hymnlyrics.org

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