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Saul Song

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Verse 1:
Saul was on his way to the ci-ty of Da-mas-cus.
He per-se-cu-ted Christ-ians ev-'ry day,
But the Lord had oth-er plans for Saul of Tar-sus.
Je-sus spoke to him while he was in the way.

Je-sus spoke to him, Je-sus spoke to him,
"Why are you per-se-cu-ting me this way?"
"Lord what should I do? Lord what should I do?"
"Go in-to the city, hear An-a-ni-as say:"

Verse 2:
"Bro-ther Saul a-rise and re-ceive you-r sigh-t.
Je-sus has a spe-cial job for you to do.
Sau-l now a-rise, wash a-way your sins, be bap-tized.
You shall preach to Gen-tiles." This is some-thing new.

Scales fell from his eyes. He re-ceived his sight.
He o-beyed the Lord and turned his life a-round.
You too have a task God has planned for you.
Trust Him and the way for you will soon be found.


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